Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse WAtters on the Judge JeAnine pirro, jessicA tArlov, dAnA perino, And greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new York City, And this is the five. DonAld trumps scorching KAmAlA HArris on the CAmpAign TrAil while working his chArm directly with voters. The former president mAking one of his clAssic RetAil Pit Stops At A store in pennsylvAniA, buying A big old bAg of popcorn And helping out A mom fight the scorch of KAmAlA InflAtion by slipping her 100. Trump then lighting up Vp HArris on the economy while out in georgiA. WAtch. We will hAve A reAdy, no tAx on tips. No tAx on overtime. The Word TAriff properly used is A beAutiful word. Under my leAdership, we Are going to tAke other countries jobs. By contrAst, listen to the deAl, KAmAlA HArris, hAve you heArd of her . This womAn is grossly incompetent. Grossly incompetent. She is cAlled the tAx queen. They love her in other countries becAuse she forces everybody out of our country into their hAnds. Jesse trump Also pr
Enjoying Idaho's hot springs in the nude is liberating. It's a time to immerse yourself in nature, feeling the sensation of the water and air against your bare skin.
.facts we felt every Idahoan should know about WWII and D-Day. Some are mind-blowing, some are tragic, but all are heroic and worthy of our time & gratitude.
Enjoying Idaho's hot springs in the nude is liberating. It's a time to immerse yourself in nature, feeling the sensation of the water and air against your bare skin.