The Crown is a historical drama that follows the British Royal family and is written by Peter Morgan. The fifth season takes us to the 1990s and focuses on Queen Elizabeth II s reign. Starring Imelda Staunton, Elizabeth Debicki, Dominic West and more, the season is currently streaming on Netflix. The Crown Season 5 Review: Elizabeth Debicki’s Princess Diana Stands Out In This Uneven and Unfocused Outing of Netflix’s Royal Drama (LatestLY Exclusive).
Enola Holmes 2 is a mystery film directed by Harry Bradbeer and is based on the YA novels of the same name by Nancy Springer. Starring Millie Bobby Brown and Henry Cavill, it focuses on Enola taking on her second case with it overlapping with her brother s most challenging investigation yet. Enola Holmes 2 is streaming right now on Netflix. Enola Holmes 2 Movie Review: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill’s Detective Film Is Another Charming Adventure With an Interesting Mystery! (LatestLY Exclusive).