on his great american comeback tour. ainsley: his initial rollout was not so smooth there were technical issues on twitter spaces delaying the big announcement hosted by elon musk. lawrence: peter doocy is live at the white house with all the details. peter? peter: even though the desantis campaign launch couldn t be seen or heard by anybody for more than 25 minutes because of technical difficulties, losing about half of its original audience in that time, the sunshine state governor is trying to spin it as a success. we had a huge audience. it did it was the biggest they had ever had. it did break the twitter space. so we re really excited with the enthusiasm. ultimately, it s about the future of our country. peter: the republican frontrunner donald trump s team says ron desantis botched campaign announcement is another example of why he is just not ready for the job. the stakes are too high and the fight to save america is too critical to gamble on a first time
brian: a lot of memorials out there congressman van orden. van orden household we have easter, christmas, and memorial day in that order for holidays. it s incredibly important that we honor our veterans and also our gold star families. we owe them a debt that doesn t ever get repaid. we will go down in washington vietnam veterans memorial this morning and i m just so thankful to live in this country and there are still men and women willing to stand the watch to protect us. brian: morgan, what s going to be on your mind? is it my turn? yep. we wake up every morning we wake up on memorial day i tell my sons why we are celebrating this day. and then we spend the day celebrating the lives of those that provided the blanket of freedom that we sleep under every night. brian: eli? last thing i want to say is the keating family, the feeks family momma lee. all the god star families we know we thank you and we will be thinking about you this weekend.
it. so what s the plan b? unclear. what is the plan b? i m not going to let them off the hook. well, the plan b is there s no plan b. you ve got to pay your bills. this doesn t acquire debt, this is about paying your bills or not. we go through this dance all the time and it s a dance that s very, very dangerous and in the end everybody i serve with understands that this could be catastrophic if we don t if we don t pass the debt bill. what s the plan b? then that s on the republicans. folks, it is not an exaggeration to say that these next few feeks are the most critical ones democrats in congress will have for a long time and the risk facing democrats is they have the ambition of a party with a big majority in congress but their actual majority is as narrow as it can get and as congressman defazio said, we have no idea how this all works out. let s go to our team of reporters, maybe they have an
supporters of the president. i would if i was the president move as far away as possible and strongly condemn it and follow the statement that cnn put out saying that if you don t condemn it then you re essence for it. yeah. john? i want to pick up on something mia just said because let s offer a reality check here. mia said that this is a video something you expect the president s opponents to come up with showing the president of the united states, doctored video, conducting a church shooting, a mass shooting in a church against his political opponents. instead we see that this is something that his supporters created. stop and take that in for a second. his supporters celebrating the idea under the guise of parody and satire the president to commit mass shooting in a church. that says a lot about our current environment. that says a lot about how we have defined down to that those feeks see it as something to celebrate rather than a sane
they were not allowed into the secret meetings. we had no hearings. he didn t call us up to the white house to have listen to our ideas. and there are tremendous ideas on the democratic party and frankly, ideas in the republican party. and so for him to say obamacare failed, ask those people that have pre-existing conditions that are now covered. ask those people that didn t have coverage that now have it. ask those feeks as we ve seen the personal bankruptcy get cut in half in america, can ask those folks that would have been bankrupt right now by medical bills that aren t because of obamacare. it polls well now. this is a guy making up lies. this is what everybody should worry about right now is that trump is trying to kill obamacare. he s trying to sabotage obamacare by threatening not to enforce the individual mandate, by threatening not to make the resources for so-called cost sharing available and stop advertising for healthy people to enroll. that s affecting insurers.