will go up, credit card rates will rise. the fed better be able to handle the next recession. tax cuts and deregulation are fuelling the boom. but some companies are taking a wait and see attitude for their hiring. i think you ll get more bang for the buck for the fiscal stimulus if companies didn t have this uncertainty. the bottom line is enjoy the ride. another year from now inflation, trade, and the national debt could be another issue. i think that the key here is that the economy is good, consumer confidence is good, wages are pretty flat. the president says he thinks that great. but it s about 2.9%. it s not any great increase. and i think people expected more after the tax cut, but the taxes obviously went to the rich, not to the working man. obama said today, just
remember when this recovery started. no. president obama is fundamentally wrong. they started rolling back the regulation capital loosened up to people. you couple that with the tax reform package and that s what started this economy moving in the right direction and why wages are starting to go up and the federal reserve is having to cool down the economy, it s that hot. gentlemen, we ll leave it there. thank you both. have a great weekend. thank you. former trump campaign aide george papadopoulos is spending months in jail after pleading guilty to lying to the fbi. he lied repeatedly and took six months to correct the record. also the mccabe now under a grand jury probe, which is called just a procedural step.
chuck schumer, no. the democrats set that precedent. i want to make sure we get to the economy because it s an important part. edward is going to report to us on that. the stellar jobs report, which means good and bad news. the good news, the economy created jobs in august. the largest increase since 2009. the one that stuck out to me was the wage. i mean, people are starting to be able to live. the bad news, in an exclusive interview i did with the president of the dallas federal reserves, he says this report will keep the fed reserve on pace to raise interest rates three to four more times in the next 12 months. everything in this jobs report today causes me to reaffirm that view. that means mortgage rates