regarding the grant termination. does that violate policy? it was inappropriate for him to go doing that for a grantee as a conflict of interest, among other things. on march 29, 2021, dr. morens edited a letter that dr. das yak was sending to nih. does that violate policy? yes. he provided him with advice regarding how to mislead nih on eco health s late progress report. does that violate policy? it was wrong and inappropriate and violated policy. on december 7th, 2021, dr. morens wrote to the chair of eco health s board of directors to quote put in a word, end quote, for the doctor. does that violate policy? should not have done that. that was wrong. it violates policy. i m not sure of a specific policy. i imagine it does. he should not have been doing that. in addition to all those actions dr. morens wrote to the doctor peter from tony s recent comments to me they are trying to protect you, end quote. did you ever talk to dr. morens about dr. daczak and e
job we could be working to advance the investigation of that. but they would rather assert that you tried to cover up this possibility. here is the email that you sent on february 1st at 12:38 a.m. to christian anderson with a copy to christian anderson but you sent it to ferrar. he related to me his concern about the site mutation and spike pro ten of the currently circulating ncov. i told him as soon as possible he and holmes should get a group of evolutionary biologists together to examine the data and do it very quickly. if everyone agrees with this concern they should reportist to the appropriate authorities. this would be the f.b.i. in the