Tennis, cycling, rowing, seated boxing, dancing, aqua aerobics, hoola hoop classes, on line yoga and dancing and Nordic walking are just some of the activities that new Age and Opportunity grants are set to fund.
Sixteen Louth groups will receive over €6,000 to fund physical activity for older people. The grants scheme, a combined initiative from Age & Opportunity and Sport Ireland, will distribute €6,920 across 16 groups in Louth.
The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD, said: The Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme continues to act as a valuable resource in getting older people active. This investment will help support and empower thousands of groups of older people to get more active. Age & Opportunity are doing a wonderful job of providing opportunities for older people to enjoy all the benefits that participation in physical activity can bring.