Led by a Black businessman named Bob Douglas, the New York Rens, who played their first game on Nov. 3, 1923, became one of the best basketball teams in the country.
The New York Rens played from 1923 to 1948. Black History Heroes/TwitterFor the first time in 20 years, the NBA began its season with no Black-owned franchises. In fact, there’s been only one Black majority-owned team in league history. In late 2002, the NBA awarded an expansion team, the Charlotte Bobcats, to Black Entertainment Television co-founder Bob Johnson. Four years later, former NBA star Michael Jordan bought a minority stake in the franchise, and in 2010, he bought Johnson’s stake. Ho
WILLIAMSPORT Local plein air artist Beth DeJesus England is the featured artist at the Lycoming Arts Gallery located at 46 W. 4th St., Williamsport. There w