In. Today, members consider 10 bills, including a measure supporting finland and swedens decision to apply to nato. E speaker pro tempe e wi be in o. Eyer will be offedy thehaplain kbe chaplan wou y pray with me. Holy god call usnto your esencehi, tt w with full abandonould run intoour fts youlan toavish upon. What an ima, your lov io welfare i sonfor o we areumbled byour gce may wed t courage tha we aight that w m find. Pledgelliae to the fla of the i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain requests for oneminute speeches. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from Virgin Islands seek recognition . Ms. Plaskett i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Plaskett thank you, mr. Speaker. This june, the private sector added 3