The Supreme Court took charge and stayed all proceedings in the Calcutta High Court regarding the fake certificate scam. The stay order includes the order for a CBI probe by Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay and the proceedings before both Justice Gangopadhyay and the division bench headed by Justice Soumen Sen.
A division bench of Justices Soumen Sen and Uday Kumar said that the order passed by Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay to hand over the probe in the case to the CBI was void ab initio.
As per an initial probe, police found that 35 persons had been issued fraudulent certificates through the alleged racket run by the four suspects and their accomplices
Jaynarayan Mishra attacked the state government over the Kotia issue and alleged that Odisha is sitting silently while the Andhra Pradesh administration has been luring the people of Kotia gram panchayat to their side.