KAJANG: Businesswoman Farah Hani Filzah sent her father to the KTM Kajang station on Monday, and tragically, it was the last time she saw him alive.“Usually, he would take the ETS from Ipoh to Kajang to commute home (from his workplace).”
SINCE the fatal air crash in Ipoh last Sunday (July 31) it has been claimed online that this is the first accident involving a Piper PA-28 in Malaysia where people were killed. Is this true?
IPOH: The crash of a Piper PA-28-161 Warrior II along Jalan Dr Nazrin Shah at Medan Gopeng here on Sunday (July 31) was the first fatal incident in the country involving the aircraft type.
IPOH: The flight instructor killed in the light aircraft crash at Jalan Dr Nazrin Shah, Sungai Rokam, Medan Gopeng here Monday (Aug 1) night had survived a previous aircraft incident.