KS Rajalakshmi bagged two Women to Watch Awards in 2023. These are: Factory Champion of the Year and Mentor of the Year. Rajalakshmi heads the sales & operation planning at ITC Limited Specialty Paperboards Division at Coimbatore. A one woman army when she started her career in marketing and sales for all regions of India and export.
After a six-month-long process set out to celebrate excellence by women and guarantee equality of outcome for women in the printing industry, the winners of the first edition of the Women to Watch Awards 2023 were announced in a virtual ceremony on 30 June.
After a six-month-long process set out to celebrate excellence by women and guarantee equality of outcome for women in the printing industry, the winners of the first edition of the Women to Watch Awards 2023 were announced in a virtual ceremony on 30 June.
PrintWeek has announced the first edition of Women to Watch Awards in 2023. The Awards seek to honour the exceptional women who lead and inspire excellence in the printing and packaging sectors. The awards reflect PrintWeek’s dedication to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion within the industry.