Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa said visitor arrivals compared to pre-COVID had recovered by more than 70 per cent as she officially opened the 33rd Teuila Festival on Sunday evening.This signals the start of its week-long program and stealing the show at the church service were choirs from di.
The 60th anniversary of Samoa's independence was cause to issue a commemorative note with a unique denomination, while honoring the women and culture of the island.
Your Highness, the Head of State, Member of Council of Deputies, Prime Minister and Ministers of Cabinet, Speaker of the House and Members of Parliament, Chief Justice and the Office of the Judiciary, Your Excellencies – Members of the Diplomatic Corp, Heads of Government Departments and Corporat.
Natua resigns from French Polynesia's ruling Tapura Huiraatira; Two police officers in Samoa fired at during a call-out; PNG rugby league announces 24-man squad and more.