with any category, we weren t white or asian. ,, . , ., or asian. since birth, the parvez family have or asian. since birth, the parvez family have faced or asian. since birth, the parvez family have faced bullying - or asian. since birth, the parvez family have faced bullying and i family have faced bullying and discrimination because of the way they look. all six of them have albinism, a genetic condition that affects the production of melanin, the pigment which gives colour to the pigment which gives colour to the skin, hairand the pigment which gives colour to the skin, hair and eyes. people often have a white or very light blonde hair and suffer from often have a white or very light blonde hair and sufferfrom other medical conditions including eye problems. we medical conditions including eye roblems. ~ ., medical conditions including eye roblems. ., i, , medical conditions including eye roblems. ., , , problems. we have poor eyesight is a really severe problems. we have poo
and have fireworks prothro door. growing up was very difficult. we would growing up was very difficult. we would get growing up was very difficult. we would get nasty name calls, we didn t would get nasty name calls, we didn t fit would get nasty name calls, we didn t fit in any category. we were neither didn t fit in any category. we were neither white or we were neither asian neither white or we were neither asian. ,, . , , ., asian. since birth they have faced severe bullying asian. since birth they have faced severe bullying and asian. since birth they have faced| severe bullying and discrimination because the way they look. all six of them have albino wisdom which is a genetic condition that affects production of melanoma, the picnic that gives colour to the skin, hair and eyes of the people with albino is him also have light or very blunt here and also suffer from other medical conditions including eye problems. irate medical conditions including eye roblems. ~ ., me