One Place of Onslow County is officially under construction on its new $21 million new home, and a special celebration was held to honor the occasion Thursday morning.
SECU Foundation Provides Grant to Assist with Affordable Workforce Housing Initiative
Check Presentation
SECU Foundation Executive Director Jama Campbell (first row, right) presents ceremonial grant check to City of Goldsboro Downtown Development Director Erin Fonseca (first row, left) with DGDC, Communities, Inc., and State Employees’ Credit Union representatives on hand.
RALEIGH, N.C., May 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) A Goldsboro non-profit focusing on addressing the lack of affordable housing for a growing middle-income workforce has received a Mission Development Grant of $40,000 from the SECU Foundation. The organization, Downtown Goldsboro Development Corporation (DGDC), requested assistance to help build organizational capacity in the areas of strategic planning, fundraising, and human resource needs to achieve their goal. DGDC will work together with Communities, Inc., a non-profit formed by the Corporation in 2019, to facilitate plans developed during the capacity build
SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals Celebrates Opening of New Wing
Ribbon Cutting
SECU Foundation Executive Director Jama Campbell (third from left) assists in Ribbon Cutting with Family House supporters and leaders, including SECU Family House Executive Director Janice McAdams (center).
RALEIGH, N.C., April 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) To celebrate the opening of the new Pine Wing addition of SECU Family House at UNC Hospitals, a small but enthusiastic group of community leaders and supporters gathered recently for an official Ribbon Cutting ceremony at the Chapel Hill site. This new wing has nearly doubled the size of the House from 40 to 78 guest rooms, helping tackle the increased need in affordable accommodations for patients and families receiving life-saving treatment and care at UNC Hospitals. SECU Foundation announced its support for the expansion in 2017, awarding the Family House a $2 million challenge grant to aid with capital campaign efforts. Representatives from SECU