rick: hello, everybody, i m rick folbaum welcome to a brand new hour inside americans news headquarters. juliet: welcome to the weekend. it s the committee still. the president touts his economic plan this labor day weekend as republicans push their own plans to get america back to work. rick: all of this as voters prepare to have their voices heard in the midterm elections now just 59 days away. but who is counting? among them working class voters who historically have always voted for democrats, but, they may be up for grabs this time. a fair and balanced debate is coming up. juliet: plans to raise a culprit in bp oil spill have hit a major snag. efforts on the efforts to hoist the blow out preventer. rick: but let s begin with new trouble for democrats ahead of the mid terms. the party currently holding large majorities in both the house and the senate. but several new polls suggest a major shift in the balance of power could be on the way. molly henneberg is l