The Wayuu bag created by William Soler.In September 2022, married couple William Soler and Yohana Cabrera arrived in Evanston with their two sons. Their family sought refuge after receiving kidnapping and death threats from a drug cartel in their hometown of Bogotá, Colombia. Upon arrival, the family of four found a lack of resources in.
In September 2022, married couple William Soler and Yohana Cabrera arrived in Evanston with their two sons. Their family sought refuge after receiving kidnapping and death threats from a drug cartel in their hometown of Bogotá, Colombia. Upon arrival, the family of four found a lack of resources in the wealthy Chicago suburb. The few.
City Council voted unanimously to fund the development of a walk-in mental health crisis center in Evanston with up to $900,000 from the American Rescue Plan Act on Monday. Designed to emulate the cozy feeling of a living room, the Living Room Program will offer a free alternative to hospitalization and law enforcement intervention for.