Mr. Thornberry i have no further requests on this en bloc package and yield back. The chair the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from washington is recognized. Mr. Smith thank you, i yield myself such time as i may consume just to say i urge support for the en bloc package and reeled back the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from washington yields back. The gentleman from texas yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Thornberry i think i yielded back. The chair in that case, the question is on the amendment en bloc offered by the gentleman from washington. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The en bloc amendments are greed to. It is now in order to consider amendment number 3 printed in part b of house report 116143. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition . Ms. Speier i have an amendment at the desk. The chair the clerk will designate the amendm
Latin america came across a roadblock putin and another quote from the article resulted in a joint statement expressing deep concern about the ongoing war against ukraine but without mentioning russia and supporting the need for peace. Here is finational. The times writes that washington is now working with african countries, the americans recall from the suspension of russias grain deal and offer the state in africa to condemn moscow, and they recall the previous votes of the countries of the continent on the resolutions of the general assembly. Where he was kept, for example, condemnation for holding a referendum in new regions, those countries that abstained in washington were perceived as walking in the political wake of russia and china, now the Biden Administration is suggesting that african countries refuse to participate in the summit ago also gathered 49 states out of 54 and the Russian Foreign ministry clarifies. That it is precisely at the summit in st. Petersburg that the c
Latin america came across a roadblock putin and another quote from the article resulted in a joint statement expressing deep concern about the ongoing war against ukraine but without mentioning russia and supporting the need for peace. Here is finational. The times writes that washington is now working with african countries, the americans recall from the suspension of russias grain deal and offer the state in africa to condemn moscow, and they recall the previous votes of the countries of the continent on the resolutions of the general assembly. Where he was kept, for example, condemnation for holding a referendum in new regions, those countries that abstained in washington were perceived as walking in the political wake of russia and china, now the Biden Administration is suggesting that african countries refuse to participate in the summit ago also gathered 49 states out of 54 and the Russian Foreign ministry clarifies. That it is precisely at the summit in st. Petersburg that the c
If there political solution on the horizon . First thing we have to do and our mission here, the military mission is to defeat isil. I am not here necessarily to facilitate a broader, political solution in iraq. But for a lasting effect, there has to be political reconciliation in iraq. There are a lot of competing interests here, political interests, ethnic interests, religious interests that is the environment we live here in in iraq. As i watch it, i am hopeful that there is a broader political solution that will bring greater stability to in iraq. You could probably argue that it was the lack of that kind of political solution you are talking about that caused the rise of isis after al qaeda and iraq were defeated in 2011. Isil rose in its place. What you are alluding to was lack of a political position here. It is very important and we have achieved some sort of political solution in iraq as well where all of the people in iraq have to look at their government and make sure that i
Responset the [indiscernible] the partnership between these ministries has been fairly typical. Havee Civil Society groups played an Important Role in getting governments to do the right thing. This is very important in the context of a longterm financial agreement. Our own programs are about information and financing an increase [indiscernible] a country that is only raising a percentage of gdp of national revenue. If countries are only spending , what needs tore be done to support better domestic tired visitation of budgeting . They need external resources. Many countries are not putting in the necessary domestic resources to help. Right combination of pressure and controlling dust could drilling. Ng. Cajolihn negotiations that , itmpany large agreements needs to be bolstered. There are initiatives among various countries. Support for National Health financing strategies. Providing additional funds who are making domestic efforts. A better focus on highlevel negotiations. Me stop the