Commission outlines further support measures for Armenia - 50th anniversary of European Patent Convention - Commission welcomes agreement on new legislation to prevent 500 million tonnes of emissions from fluorinated gases and ozone depleting substances - Factsheet: EU solidarity with Ukraine - Delivering in times of crises while preserving the EU financial interests through the 2022 EU budget - Commission launches investigation on subsidised electric cars from China - State aid: Commission adopts amendment to rules on small amounts of aid to the fishery and aquaculture sector - State aid: Commission approves €193 million Lithuanian scheme to support offshore wind farms to foster the transition to a net-zero economy - Pompeii restored thanks to a €78 million investment in Cohesion Policy Funds - State aid: Commission approves €910 million Italian scheme under the Recovery and Resilience Facility to support agro-industrial development - ING Belgium to make up to €214 million in