More than 430 residents participated in this year’s 7th annual Humboldt County Walk to End Alzheimer’s on October 8th. Opening ceremonies were held in the Adorni Center and then participants
TODAY in SUPES: Cautious Optimism on Local COVID Conditions, Plus the Latest Measure Z Awards and a Bracing Dose of Pension Funding Policy Talk
No, they were not all talking at the same time. Screenshots from Tuesday’s meeting (clockwise from top left): First District Supervisor Rex Bohn, Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell, Fourth District Supervisor Virginia Bass, Third District Supervisor Mike Wilson, Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hoffman and Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone.
The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday had some major money-management decisions to make, including how best to spend the latest influx of Measure Z revenues, and also which strategies are needed to address exploding pension liabilities.