More than 20 years, since the birth of the internet age as we know i, section 230 has provided websites we put the immunity from liability from other users post. The Electronic Frontier foundation describes important sectionos of 230 this way. This legal and policy framework has offered youtube users to upload their own videos, amazon yelps offered countless offer reviews, craigslist lads, and facebook and twitter offer social networking to billions of internet users. Given the sheer size of user generated websites, it would be impossible and feasible for online people to have objectionable content popping up on their price. In short, section 230, a lot to protect the kind of innovations that is allowed the internet to drive since 1996. And yet, over the past few years section 230 has faced heighten criticism for both the left and right. They encouraged from the left argued that social media giants enjoy special protection. They know consequences. And other critics on the right have ar
Five more members will be inducted into the Amador Valley High School Athletic Hall of Fame next Thursday (Jan. 26) at halftime of the Amador basketball game. The inductees are.