Introducing Priya Kanduri, CTO & Vice President, Cyber Security Services, Happiest Minds Technologies, who won the Technology Leader of the Year award category at the ETPrime Women Leadership Awards 2023.
At ET Prime Women Leadership Awards (ETPWLA) 2023, Jayashree Satagopan, President Corporate & CFO, Coromandel International Limited and Parminder Chopra, Finance Director, Power Finance Corporation won the Finance Leader of the Year award category.
At ET Prime Women Leadership Awards (ETPWLA) 2023, Soma Mondal, Member, PESB (Public Enterprise Selection Board) and Hina Nagarajan, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Diageo India, won the CEO of the Year award category.
On the occasion of Indias Independence Day, meet Ashwini Bhide, IAS, Additional Municipal Commissioner, BMC and Managing Director, Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation, who won the ET Prime Women Leadership Awards – Woman Leader of the Year - Governance category.
Ahead of the Grand Felicitation Ceremony of the ETPrime Women Leadership Awards (ETPWLA) 2023, the Economic Times takes immense pride in illuminating the extraordinary journey of the shortlisted nominees for the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. This esteemed category strives to celebrate the exceptional accomplishments of women who have reached rare heights and established path-breaking precedents for girls and women from across India.