Ethos, a leading player in luxury watch retail, has seen its shares rise by 166% to ₹2,542 from ₹959 a year ago. Over the past 12 months, the stock closed positively for 8 months. On March 11, the it touched a new all-time high of ₹3,044 per share.
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Bell & Ross, a French watchmaking brand that designs reliable, highprecision watches, will now be exclusively available with Ethos Limited as part of a strategic partnership.
Indian watch enthusiasts will surely appreciate the experience of the brand that we will now be bringing to them, said Pranav Saboo, CEO, Ethos Limited.Bell Ross, having a manufacturing centre in Switzerland, manufactures utilitarian instrument watches, designed to assist professionals who work in extreme conditions and require absolute precision.We are delighted to announce Ethos Watches as our exclusive distributor in India.