Brazil's Centre-South sugar production in the first half of June is likely to have been capped by rains, according to estimates by analysts, but sugarcane agricultural yields are seen sharply up from last season.
Brazilian energy company Raizen Energia SA said on Friday its adjusted net income jumped more than 10 times in the fourth quarter of the 2022/23 crop-year compared to the previous year.
Brazil's government reduced the import tax on steel rebar to 4% from 10.8% to put the tariff in line with other countries' practices, the Economy Ministry said on Wednesday.
A bipartisan group of U.S. governors sent a letter to the Biden administration on Thursday to ask for guidance on an action that could expand sales of a fuel with a higher ethanol blend.
Brazilian energy company Cosan SA has joined the U.S.-based Fifth Wall Climate Tech Fund as an investor and partner, in a deal that also gives it preferential access to investments in startups developing lower carbon solutions.