As the already two-year-old Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, Estonia's commander-in-chief has advocated a new strategy for the Eastern European country he says would bring victory.
Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu has called for an increased U.S. military presence in Europe, stressing that a Ukrainian defeat in the war with Russia would result in "an existential threat to our statehood" and the European security architecture.
Estonian Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets has rejected making any concessions to Russia under a threat of force, as Europe faces its biggest crisis since World War II amid simmering tensions over a possible Russian invasion of neighboring Ukraine.
Президента Естонії Керсті Кальюлайд розповідає в інтерв'ю, чому українцям варто мати "стратегічне терпіння" щодо Криму та Донбасу, а "держава в смартфоні" не замінить верховенство права.