JUst heard from Vice President Kamala Harris on some of the key policy issUes in this race. In this next hoUr, were going to show yoU the other side with former president Donald TrUmp. And were hearing he stands on tHe Economy, reprodUctive rights, immigration, foreign policy, and the state of democracy cnns Abby Phillip takes Us throUgh whaT The trUmp White HoUse enacted dUring his foUr years in office. And looks at What He and his allies have promised to continUe or to change if elected to another term. Nafta has been a disaster for the United States, a complete and total disaster it was april 20, 173 months into Donald TrUmps presidency. And He Wanted to withdraw the United States from nafta, the north american free Trade Agreement He WoUld say repeatedly in the Oval Office to everyone who woUld listen, the ripping Us off, they take advantage of americans were sUckers and losers. Its been very, very bad for oUr companies and for oUr workers he heard lots of concerns when He Was oUt
Welcome back to the whole story. I m anderson cooper. We just heard from vice president kamala harris on some of the key policy issues in this race. In this next hour, we re going to show you the other side with former president donald trump and where he stands on the economy, reproductive rights, immigration, foreign policy policy, and the state of democracy. Cnn s abby phillip takes us through what the trump white house enacted during his four years in office and looks at what he and his allies have promised to continue or to change if elected to another term nafta has been a disaster for the united states. A complete and total disaster it was april 2017 173 months into donald trump s presidency. And he wanted to withdraw the united states from nafta, the north american free trade agreement he would say repeatedly in n the oval offici to e everyone whwho would wawas listen, the ripping us off. They take advantage of america s were suckers and losers. It s been very, very bad for our
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