A private container carrying gold worth Rs 666 crore capsized near Erode. The driver and security guard sustained injuries, but the gold jewels inside the container remained safe. The police are investigating the incident.
CCTV camera malfunctions in Erode strongroom again. District collector and election officer Raja Gopal Sunkara stated that a CCTV camera at the strongrooms in IRTT Engineering College at Chithode faced a technical issue, disrupting live streaming but was promptly resolved. T T V Dhinakaran emphasized the need for enhanced security measures at vote counting centres in Tamil Nadu to prevent technical glitches like CCTV malfunctions.
Two days after a CCTV malfunction in Nilgiris, a CCTV camera in an Erode strongroom also experienced disruption. DMK has written to the chief election commissioner seeking immediate intervention to ensure safety of strongrooms and prevent security breaches. Erode district collector confirmed the technical error and restoration of the camera.