(more. more? she is putting it away don t be ashamed. blessed. do itmore or less technology yor life? associate less. defindefidefinitely less. look at this when he got down there? it is in associate less. definite less. look at this when you got down there? it is in his hand. thi wbehere he s got another phone. i am sick of the phones inon the social me and everything. ies andf you see it so technc helphns us do a lot of things. without it we would be lost forf are you afraid ofri the robos though? no no nt yet. we need more prey. progress not yet?guys like me wu were sick of the phones and thed devices it s driving uevs crazy. age discrimination case working for me here.me h bleless technology progress you think about the phones too much? yes they are a bunch ofnder idiots regrets you like technology? .> yes i take more time with my device to my kids. that is what i m saying progress who doesn t have a phone on
Agentes de la Dirección de Seguridad Pública Municipal de Torreón realizaron la detención de dos hombres por su probable responsabilidad en el delito de robo a…
Los barrios mendocinos sienten cada vez más el problema de la inseguridad, que se acerca a límites difíciles de tolerar. Entre la madrugada del lunes y la del miércoles, vecinos del barrio Renacer II de Guaymallén sufrieron cinco robos. Los delincuentes se llevan las cosas y vuelven a sus anchas. | Policiales | MDZOL.COM