Around northern Arizona, the Slipher name is associated with astronomy. In Frankfort, Indiana, the name is connected to farming. Last week, the two identities met as longtime Lowell Observatory astronomers
The passing of July to August signals the arrival of one of the most prominent and reliable meteor showers, the Perseids. It has wowed observers for centuries and inspired many
February 18 marks the 93rd anniversary of Pluto’s discovery in northern Arizona. To celebrate, Lowell Observatory is partnering with other Flagstaff organizations for the Fourth Annual I Heart Pluto Festival.
Astronomers have a pretty clear picture of how stars evolve as they age.But new data soon to appear in the Astrophysical Journal could alter that view and help solve a mystery about black holes."To find that we had found something that different from what evolutionary models predict was quite surprising and shocking to me," said lead author Erin Aadland, a doctoral student