Mark lets get the bloomberg first word news. Here is sebastian salek. Sebastian theresa may says parliament should be allowed to taking britain out of the european union. Seemed to come after they dumped the pound of a concern the pm was taking a gung ho approach. By a third following the note 7 crisis. The company said profits will come in at 5. 2 trillion one, won, down. Llion donald trump has gone on a twitter offensive, blasting Paul Reid Paul ryan as weak and ineffective. The shackles have now been taken off of him after ryan condemned his comments about women. The nominee continued his campaign speaking in panama city. This election will determine whether we remain a free country , or we become a corrupt, banana ublic controlled by large and foreign governments. The election of Hillary Clinton would lead to the destruction of our country. Againstn fraud charges to a junk rating according to investors. The possibility of an increase in borrowing costs back on the table. He was sum
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에릭슨 모빌리티 리포트 2021 2분기 보고서 [사진=자료=에릭슨]
에릭슨은 20일 ‘에릭슨 모빌리티 리포트 2021 2분기 보고서’를 발표하고 5G가 역사상 가장 빠른 도입속도를 보이는 모바일 세대가 될 것이라고 분석했다.
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