counterweight to being at home. you don t want to say you should think this way or that way, you want to encourage independent think something you might play devil s advocate. i have a quick story. a friend of mine whose little girl was in gym class. the kids had to line up on one side of the room. game, everybody who loves blue roven that way a.m. that whittles it down. everybody who runs unicorns, you d run that way. the last question everybody who loves barack obama run that way. she was the only one that didn t run. the other kids laughed at her. andrea: good for her. eric: i have a 13 years old. needs are 12 rapid 13. not high school kids doing the opposition research or learning something about politics. their minds areing formed. my son goes to public school. last year i went to school a opened the textbook. they read like liberal opposition research. like bill ayers wrote this stuff.
used by two of the most corrupt approximatelytitions in america. if you want to align yourself with that, if you re rush limbaugh. greg: i dent neif that is tra. andrea: let s rename it the get your blad pressure down. the mood majority. greg: the quiet storm. eric: let s talk about what rush said. he said a group that goes to work every day, works hard, pays their taxes, just wants to be, wants to have a voice. the problem is that kind of defines the tea party. looks like a conservative, tea party. the problem is it s almost not a majority anymore. people who are takers are almost more than 50% of america. tea party is less than 20% of the country. eric: talking about people paying taxes versus those who aren t. 49% of american households don t pay federal income tax.
be fine? andrea: i don t know what this position really is. greg talks about rolling up his sleeves. isn t that half the battle in politics to convince the public you are doing something, when you re really not? eric: can we bring this back to what this is? president obama got on his airplane and jetted around a couple of states. four stops. a couple of things he is saying. we use 20% of the world s oil and only have 2% of the world s reserves. unequivocally incorrect, even his energy department says it s not so. why is he using the numbers? dana: i m baffling by the decision-making. it s not fair and it s ridiculous to say that people on the republican side just want to drill. if that were true they wouldn t have the doe loans because they re passed by democratic congress. bob: but if dana: if i could get one thought out without you
greg: i heard president obama dana: i heard that president obama is going to take a side trip there. greg: go pink. eric: this is liberalling hitting the ground because they are trying to recall scott walker, not working out. keep falling. bob: very good. let s continue on with the theme of our show. andrea: that noise that eric was just making, i m not going to tell the whole story. put it this way. there was the same story happening in my apartment building a couple of years ago. i won t say what it was. put it this way, it was my neighbor. not good. bob: tell us what it was. it was a spanking machine. andrea: i can t verify that, bob. hearsay from my doorman. bob: he probably had it right. most doormen know what is going on. andrea: who knows? lived in a funky place. bob: that would be a funky spanker if this is it. shake a whole town. i tell you one thing never
mind. [ laughter ] they hear the boom, boom, boom and the noise. no earthquakes. nobody can explain it. greg explanation is greg. your explanation makes more sense than any so far. andrea: wow! bob: you re my friends. greg: point out that we started the segment off with the song ghostbusters by ray parker junior, a direct ripoff of i want to do drugs by heuy lewis and the news. andrea: he is awesome. bob: do you believe in ghosts? greg: i don t. bob: they re there. they re there. eric: what is the name of the town? greg: no, there had to be a joke in there being clintonville, but i figured it was so obvious so why do a joke about boom, boom, boom