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of the most highly recommended bed in america, the tempur-pedic ergo system. treat yourself to the ultimate sleep experience and save up to $400 during the tempur ergo savings event. plus, visit for full details on our 0% apr financing with up to five years to pay. don t wait. five years special financing ends february 18th, and the tempur ergo savings event ends february 24th. visit now. tempur-pedic the most highly recommended bed in america. i state of the union address on tuesday night, the
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the tempur-pedic ergo system. treat yourself to the ultimate sleep experience and save up to $400 during the tempur ergo savings event. plus visit for full details on our 0% apr financing with up to five years to pay. don t wait. five-year special financing ends december 10th. visit now. tempur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. if we re serious about reducing our deficit while still