Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday appreciated the Kannada devotional song uploaded on YouTube, which is sung by singer Sivasri Skandaprasad, dedicated to Shri Ram.PM Modi, sharing the video on his social media platform 'X' said: .
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday appreciated the Kannada devotional song uploaded on YouTube, which is sung by singer Sivasri Skandaprasad, dedicated to Shri Ram.PM Modi, sharing the video on his social media platform 'X' said: .
The classical vocalist, who is also a Bharatanatyam dancer and part-time model, became a celebrity after the PM s post and won new followers on social media. Skandaprasad responded by saying the recognition was "really big for a humble artiste like me. Thank you for encouraging us to constantly strive towards serving Bharat and continue our spiritual journey."
Renowned veteran Kannada film director SK Bhagawan passed away this morning. As per the report of ANI, the veteran filmmaker was 89 and the cause of death is suspected to be an age-related illness. More details are awaited in this regard.