/PRNewswire/ EpicentRx, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, announced that The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has invited Dr. Anthony.
Section 220 demands are a commonly used tool for stockholders to gain access to a company's books and records. Although this provision of the Delaware General Corporation.
Section 220 demands are a commonly used tool for stockholders to gain access to a company’s books and records. Although this provision of the Delaware General Corporation Law vests.
/PRNewswire/ EpicentRx, Inc, a clinical-stage biotechnology drug and device company with two therapeutic platforms that address cancer and inflammatory.
The Delaware courts have closed out a hectic year during which a wide range of important corporate and M&A issues were addressed. These reflect practice-changing updates and refinements to the law, and the developments arising in the final portion of 2023.