Epack Durables IPO opens for subscription today, with a price band of Rs 218-230 per share. The issue includes a fresh equity issue of Rs 400 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of 1.04 crore shares. Through the IPO, the company plans to raise around Rs 640 crore. The company is the second-largest room air conditioner original design manufacturer (ODM) in India. Its current product portfolio comprises room air conditioners, small domestic appliances, and components. The fresh proceeds will be used to fund capital expansion plans and repay outstanding debt.
Epack Durables IPO will open for subscription on Friday. The company s shares are currently trading at a premium of Rs 15 in the unlisted market. The IPO consists of a fresh equity issue of up to Rs 400 crore and an offer for sale of up to 10,437,047 shares by selling shareholders. Epack Durables is the second-largest room air conditioner original design manufacturer in India, with a 24% market share in domestically manufactured units in FY23. The IPO proceeds will be used for capacity expansion.