NRG Chair Lawrence Coben Appointed Interim President and Chief Executive Officer
Board Initiates Search for Permanent CEO
NRG Director Anne Schaumburg Appointed Lead Independent Director
Verdant Earth Tech. has filed proposed terms for a $50M U.S. IPO. The firm seeks to repurpose a coal-fired energy plant in Australia. See more on VDNT here.
Business owner hit with $18,000 power bill after winter storm
“It’s frustrating and something to lose sleep about as well,” Cherubini said.
He says he incurred the cost from February’s winter storm.
“To get a bill like this and not be responsible for it is really frustrating,” he added.
Cherubini learned, though, he wasn’t alone. ABC13 has reported on high bills because of the storm, leaving many to wonder how they’re going to pay for it. We took their concerns and questions to the Better Business Bureau.
“First, dispute the charge with your credit card company. If its auto-pay and being deducted from your bank account, we suggest you turn off auto-pay until those charges are disputed,” said VP of Operations at BBB Houston, Leah Napoliello.