The School of Architecture + Planning (SA+P) recently hosted the first of two On the Brinck Book Awards symposia for the spring semester. Authors Rosetta S. Elkin and Whitney Martinko presented their award-winning books, followed by a discussion.
The University of New Mexico School of Architecture + Planning (UNM SA+P) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 On The Brinck Book Award and Lecture series, created in honor of John Brinckerhoff Jackson. The jury, comprised of Sunil Bald, Felipe.
Books about the environment, theory, philosophy, and more, timed with the 2023 joint meeting of The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) and The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS).
Last October, wildfire sparked by an ATV consumed roughly a quarter of this living landmark in the heart of the Nebraska Sandhills. But in a man-made forest, officials say, there’s no roadmap for recovery.