Dosimetry audits for passive motion management require dynamically-acquired measurements in a moving phantom to be compared to statically calculated planned doses. This study aimed to characterise the relationship between planning and delivery errors, and the measured dose in the Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core (IROC) thorax phantom, to assess different audit scoring approaches. Treatment plans were created using a 4DCT scan of the IROC phantom, equipped with film and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). Plans were created on the average intensity projection from all bins. Three levels of aperture complexity were explored: dynamic conformal arcs (DCAT), low-, and high-complexity volumetric modulated arcs (VMATLo, VMATHi). Simulated-measured doses were generated by modelling motion using isocenter shifts. Various errors were introduced including incorrect setup position and target delineation. Simulated-measured film doses were scored using gamma analysis and compared within specifi
This course is for physiotherapists looking to deepen their understanding of the emotional aspects of rehabilitation, enhance client outcomes, and create a
This course is for physiotherapists looking to deepen their understanding of the emotional aspects of rehabilitation, enhance client outcomes, and create a
Attorney and Certified Life Coach
Talar Herculian Coursey Esq., CIPP/US, =CIPM, SRHM shares practical tips for elevating your negotiations through mindfulness.
Despite knowledge of the skills necessary for successful negotiations, nerves still tend to get in the way. Learn expert tips for overcoming these difficult moments.