A man named in an indictment against Prichard City Councilman Derrick Griffin, has been indicted himself on the same charges.Bennie Mosley has been indicted on
IT is more acceptable for ordinary citizens to have very little to no familiarity with laws, or much more the Constitution, than to watch the sorry spectacle of legislators and government bureaucrats rudely invade our mobile devices and display the same.
Rocket Lab has hit back at an apparent US congressional memo saying the Kiwi-American firm had ‘misrepresented’ the launch readiness of Neutron - the giant.
for. i thought i was good at working with young people but these women have skills well beyond mine. it s disgusting that we were disbelieved. scrutinised. misrepresented. scapegoated and then publicly and nationally discredited by both the police and local authority. never blamed and they said it was my fault. the team worked so hard, we had to share horrendous things will write about young people and we tried every strategy to try and change things, only then to have our professionalism and qualifications questioned in a review. all we were trying to do was to get protective services to do the job, that s disgusting. i was described as being difficult to work with, what did you expect? children were being raped