Range Call put on the 138th annual Independence Day celebration with style again this year, with numerous activities over five days. Here are some snaps from just a few of the events. This year's Range Call celebration included performances by Escape: A Journey Tribute Band Friday evening. Saturday, Josh Gracin opened for headliner Sara Evans.
Michigan teachers will no longer be evaluated based on student test scores under legislation being prepared by Democratic leaders. Critics say the current system should be tweaked, not scrapped.
Piceance Mustang Auction April 28-29 MEEKER | Don't miss your chance to bid on a Piceance mustang during Meeker Mustang Makeover's pick-up day event. Public viewing of the horses up for adoption will be from 12 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 28 and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 29. The silent auction will
Community dinners every third Thursday MEEKER | Community dinners are the third Thursday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church Elbert Hall. Piceance Mustang Auction April 28-29 MEEKER | Don't miss your chance to bid on a Piceance mustang during Meeker Mustang Makeover's pick-up day event. Public viewing of the