Competition regulator the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) has asked the Supreme Court to impose financial penalties on gaming company Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) and a subsidiary for allegedly abusing their dominant position in the lottery market.
The Industrial Disputes Tribunal has lost its appeal against a Judicial Review Court’s ruling that it did not have the jurisdiction to decide a dispute between the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) and one of its employees. Last week, the Court.
A physical education teacher who challenged his employer's decision to make his post redundant at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic was adjudged by the Industrial Disputes Tribunal (IDT) to have.
The Industrial Disputes Tribunal has ruled that former athletic director at the American International School of Kingston (AISK), Allan Roper, was unjustifiably dismissed by reason of redundancy in 2020. An order was made by the Tribunal on.
The Jamaica Redevelopment Foundation Inc (JRF) has lost its bid to challenge an Industrial Dispute Tribunal (IDT) award of US$203,280 that was granted to an ex-employee for wrongful dismissal. Court of Appeal judge Simone Wolfe Reece denied the.