north korean provocation. we though that some of the several options under discussion, naming and shaming north korea publicly would be a first step and a move that the u.s. took against beijing despite its multiple attacks against u.s. businesses and government departments. if investigators do identify individuals behind the attack and that is something that they are still far away from at this point, the u.s. could also file criminal charges against north korean hackers. again, a step that the u.s. took against an elite chinese group of hackers earlier this year. more likely is the u.s. to tighten already stringent sanctions on the dirt poor north korean economy, including applying those stricter restrictions on pyongyang s access to trade, as pamela mentioned, that is the communist state economic lifeline to food, cruel and to weapons. it s a tactic that the administration has had success with, applying against iran regarding the nuclear program more recently against russia followin