Navijači so olimpijce, ki so v zadnjih tednih poskrbeli za veliko veselja, pozdravili v torek na osrednjem sprejemu v Ljubljani. Zlati Benjamin Savšek pravi, da je Slovenija v športu narejena za velike stvari, kolesarski selektor Andrej Hauptman pa opozarja, da dve medalji ne pomenita, da bodo kolesarji na vsakem tekmovanju tako uspešni.
The events of 2020 forever changed many things. As a society and within IBM, we are just beginning to comprehend the implications of these changes.
While IBM has been a leader in corporate diversity and inclusion for decades, we see 2020 as a reset, and look forward to 2021 and beyond with a renewed conviction and deeper commitment.
“I fundamentally believe that as we continue to uphold the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity, we will make IBM a better and stronger company.”
Arvind Krishna A catalyst for change
In 2020, the convergence of racial injustice and the global pandemic amplified the stark need for swift and greater progress from society and businesses.