As speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, john a. Boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore now the prayer will be offered by our guest chaplain the reverend orrin warder, from st. Pauls Episcopal Church from alexandria, virginia. The chaplain let us pray, god of the universe you have created us and given us life. Blessed are you god of this earth. You have set our world like a radiant jewel in the 111th and filled it with beauty and hope. Blessed are you god of these United States of america for all the lessons of our past, for all that remains for us to do. Blessed are you god of truth and justice, guide the men and women of this house of representatives. Grant them insight, courage, compassion, and imagination. Protect them from corruption and arrogance. And grant that we whom they seek to serve may give them the support that they need. Increase our trust in one another, strengthen our quest for justice, and bring us to unity and a common purpose. B
At issue are two policies that appear to limit public comment to voters and media to the CUSD 7 school superintendent and board of education president.
The Madison County IL township named art contest victors in preschool through second grade, third to fifth grade, sixth to eighth grade, and high school.