The Business Journal’s list of Fastest Growing Private Companies is a group that spans a variety of industries that thrived during and post-pandemic, but faced somewhat similar challenges over the past three years supply chain delays, remote working, difficulties in hiring a skilled workforce, and maintaining company culture, among others.
Staff photo by Fritz Busch
Edward Lund of Franklin drills a hole in the ice at Sleepy
Eye Lake on Sunday during the Sleepy Eye Sportsmenâs
Clubâs 39th annual fishing derby. The event took place on
a limited basis, with only 250 registered entrants allowed.
SLEEPY EYE Edward Lund of Franklin cut an ice fishing hole with his power auger on Sleepy Eye Lake Sunday as the Sleepy Eye Sportsmen’s Club 39th Annual Fishing Derby took place with restrictions.
“I fish any chance I can get. It’s my first time fishing in this tournament, “ Lund said. He brought along a friend Levi Kerkhoff of Morgan, who also fished.