AMARAVATI: The 8th session of the Andhra Pradesh Assembly Sessions commenced on Monday where the respective State ministers will introduce several amendment bills in the house today. Endowments Minister Vellampalli Srinivas will introduce the Hindu Charitable Amendment Bill, Deputy Chief Minister Narayana Swamy to introduce the Foreign Liquor Amendment Bill, and Education
The Andhra Pradesh Assembly on Monday passed three Bills the Andhra Pradesh Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments (Amendment) Bill 2022, the Andhra Pradesh (Regulation of Trade in Indian Made Foreign Liquor, Foreign .
As many as 42 students of a government-run primary school in Andhra Pradesh took ill on Friday after eating food provided under mid-day meal scheme.The incident occurred in Nandyal town of Kurnool district. According to officials, students .
VIZIANAGARAM: Minister of State for Education Dr. Adimulapu Suresh said that the Government would not condone any form of indecent behavior against students and warned of strict action against such teachers who were caught harassing students. The Minister condemned the incident at the Balesu Primary School in Gumma Lakshmipuram Mandal, Vizianagaram District. Education