India's central bank asked banks on Wednesday to let certain borrowers have more time to repay loans, among other support measures, amid a major second wave of COVID-19 infections in the country that has led to strict lockdowns in several states.
Algeria announced on Thursday that the heads of all the country's six state banks had been replaced, amid efforts to develop the banking sector as part of wider economic reforms in the OPEC member country.
there s something else, you have something else they weren t clear on or weren t entirely truthful on that seems to interrupt it. this is a real problem. an ongoing problem. you wonder at what point do the staff and does the president break from this sort of constant barrage of scandal after what ought to be a good news cycle friday. it s also a problem because some of the explanations don t pass the smell test. back channel communications. why do you do track two diplomacy in the first place? to keep it from the b public. not the executive branch. talking about is syria. that s because you don t want politics to get involved. so, if you re going to set that up, why do it in a way where the fbi, the cia, all the intelligence community can t hear what you re doing. that doesn t really, that s not how it works. also, the fl low up meeting a raising a big question. it was with the head of which in russia means outside economy banks and they do foreign investments to benefit the