Vermonters know a thing or two about giving. July’s historic flooding produced an equally historic response, with people showing up — and contributing generously — to help neighbors, strangers and businesses rebound. These carefully curated suggestions for gifts from Vermont makers and retailers will help you surprise and delight everyone from your babysitter to your BFF. There are plenty of items under $20, plus a few that make an extra impact for worthy causes.
Our annual Gift Guide brims with ideas both heartfelt and whimsical, from do-gooder gifts that support worthy causes to selections intended simply to make someone smile. In a time of supply chain shortages, these gifts have been vetted and should be in stock. And all have a touch of the Green Mountain State, whether they're handcrafted by local makers or purchased from Vermont retailers. Shopping local is a gift that keeps on giving, strengthening our economy and community. Shop online or do curbside pickup if you need to, but deposit your dollars directly into our downtowns, not into Jeff Bezos' pockets.