Wow, it is June this week! Mud season in Summit County is a complex time for us outdoor enthusiasts. I can ski or ride my bike while trying to decide if spring is really here.
Summit County has a plethora of volunteer opportunities this spring and summer to pitch in and take care of some of its most-used trails and open space areas. The Friends of the Dillon Ranger District.
Yes, it has been a snowy May, with morning temperatures often well below freezing. Regardless, our beautiful osprey returned to their nests in early April. Mountain bluebirds also arrived in early April, and found some.
Last week, my neighbor looked out her window to see two black bear cubs nursing. The sow, their mother, was sitting against a tree. In Summit County, late April or early May is the time.
“The Blue Marble” is the first fully illuminated photograph of Earth taken from outer space in 1972 by the Apollo 17 crew as they made their way to the moon. Though blurry and partial images of.