Measuring muscle function as part of dementia screening is useful in identifying high-risk individuals who might benefit from primary prevention programs.
- Automotive companies the world over are seeking sophisticated powertrain variants for legislative transformations in place to address concerns pertaining to the rising number of accidents
fluids and other liquids stand up to the extreme conditions. the next room is not a wind tunnel but a multi-purpose test chamber equipped with wind generators a roller and dynamometer and temperature control. of steam jets can also produce high levels of humidity if required a man s needs left i mean as soon as it s thirty eight degrees celsius right now with seventy percent humidity a camera lens keeps steaming out of the humidity can be raised to ninety five percent while temperatures can range from minus forty to plus fifty five degrees i thought instead. it can take up to two weeks to fit a test vehicle with all the measuring sensors needed there are three hundred fifty sensors in all transmitting data on temperature and pressure. in the.
shark and the hippo, man, those, those make me nervous because i m aware of how dangerous they are and i don t really have a lot of experience. i have to rely on the expertise of other experts. so, any day i m working on crocs, man is like a picnic, a day in the park for me. martha: you know, and one more thing about the technology, you have something you can measure how hard a shark bites down? yes. yes. we use what is called a bite force meter and we measure different species of sharks, biting force, with the bite force meter and also called a dynamometer and look at the bacteria in the shark s mouth and accelerometer to measure force and wild animals and wild places and high tech gizmos and gadgets on dangerous encounters. martha: we look forward to it. a great show tonight, new season of dangerous encounters premiers tonight, 9:00 eastern, and, pacific on nat geo wild.