According to sources, the preliminary investigative report also unveils a conspiracy by senior officers of Delhi’s Vigilance Department including the chief secretary to undervalue the scale of the scam as Rs 312 crore. The actual compensation award would have resulted in an illicit gain of Rs 850 crore to the beneficiaries, sources said
Gadkari emphasised that the Indian G20 presidency was the first time that India has gained the respect and recognition for global countries around the world.
रेजांग ला चौक से सेक्टर-110 तक आरओबी निर्माण का रास्ता पूरी तरह से साफ हो गया है। रेलवे ने भी ROB के निर्माण के लिए 50 प्रतिशत राशि अपनी ओर से देने के बारे में मंजूरी दे दी है। आरओबी बनाने की मांग विधायक राकेश दौलताबाद ने उठाई थी।